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The background represents the sky. Its colour will be changed according to the current time: blue in the morning, light blue in afternoon, orange during sunset and dark blue in the evening. The clock represents the sun and moon and it has the same features as the background. Instead of actual movement for sunrise and sunset, it use smooth transition of colours which works well on visual outcome as well as practicability - users never lose the clock within the canvas. The earth on the bottom is surrounded by various elements we see in daily life. The earth takes 60 seconds to make a round which means we can read the rotation speed of second hand by watching the movement of the earth which is fun. In additionally, as the earth turns clockwise and we are on the earth, the clock turns anticlockwise.(3 o'clcik on the left and 9 o'clock on the right) It force users' brains to exercise every time when they look at the time.
Background and foreground elements will be changed by time. Silly birds and clouds at day time and stars at night time. The extra bonus is the rocket, it only launch when second + minute + hour = 71.Good luck!
When the alarm is on, the sun/moon will starts to eclipse at the last 20 second. when alarm value is 0, a red warning information will appear.
MDDN242 - Creative Coding
Coordinator: Tom White
Victoria University, 2017
Software Clock

Software Clock

A software clock was written by p5.js
