tri nguyen's profile

Crafts and sculptures (Conceptor, Sculptor and Tutor)

- Crafting and Sculptures -
To me, crafts and sculptures are the fastest and most interactive ways to reach audiences. In this part, I present some of my crafts, sculptures and also tutorials I made to convey the attractiveness of these two Art materials. Thanks Mr. Tuấn, master Phan Vũ Linh and Time Sun See Studios for the chance to do this project. Thanks my sister for an open mind and children love to support me on the Tutorial class.
"Faceboard" - Bulletin Board for IUers 2012
Client: International University
"The Elephant" - Film sculpture concept
Client: Time Sun See Studio
"Clay Art Tutorial" - Tutorial for children
Client: Khu Vườn Hạnh Phúc Playground
In this series, I am the host, teaching people create cute clay figures. The purpose is not teach children doing their own stuffs, but to draw parents and kids together to create arts, develop children's creativities and attachment between family members.
Crafts and sculptures (Conceptor, Sculptor and Tutor)


Crafts and sculptures (Conceptor, Sculptor and Tutor)
