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Penny Stamps Lecture Series Poster Fall 2004

Penny W. Stamps Distinguished Lecture Series, Fall 2004
School of Art & Design, University of Michigan
In the Spring of 2004, I was asked to redesign the identity for the Penny W. Stamps Visiting Artist program at the University of Michigan School of Art & Design. I felt confident in proposing a design that did not represent the visiting artists in their entirety; in fact, it was nearly illegible at first glance. I knew the Dean of the School of Art & Design would support the unpredictability of such a project �" it had the potential to create a buzz. From the feedback I received, both positive and negative, I felt like the design was a success and the response from members of the administration was for the most part positive. They supported my attempt to recreate the identity of the program with an experimental style. Since creating this poster, I have often been asked to explain why the illegible is worthwhile. Liıle did I know that wrestling with this question would become the focus of my work in the future, as I was drawn into a domain where time was available for such queries to be debated.
Penny Stamps Lecture Series Poster Fall 2004

Penny Stamps Lecture Series Poster Fall 2004

Poster designed for the School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan to promote their lecture series in Fall, 2004.
