BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition
Sugar is in everything, not just in your candy or soda. Sugar is added to most processed foods because it reinforces our natural taste preference to sweet foods. With the habitual consumption of processed foods, people become addicted to sugar. By re-contextualizing the negative health effects of high sugar consumption in this exhibition, viewers will be exposed to the dangers of high sugar consumption and rethink their dietary choices. 
This exhibition is a response to the rising health concerns from a sugar laden Western diet that can result in fatal lifestyle diseases. Because food is increasingly available for us, we are not eating just to survive, but now to fulfill our craving for sugar. Through the bombarding nature of advertising, people are frequently exposed to sugary products and sometimes deceived with how much sugar is actually in the product.
I drew inspiration from the pop art movement, where artists used identifiable imagery such as common everyday objects and the idea of commercialized art. I satirized and criticized specific name brand products that are commonly associated with the health problem. Although my products are fictional, they are inspired by my year-long research of the detrimental health effects from the sugar laden Western diet. I wanted the products to be human scale to overwhelm the viewer. As the viewer walks left to right, the diseases or negative effects of sugar consumption increase in severity. Through an ironic, humorous approach regarding a serious topic, people will realize the desire and urgency to change their eating habits.
Gate Weigh Foods