The brief for this project was to create a poster for a made up "ism"
The belief that Apple are taking over the world. In this day and age we are in the prime of technology, we all have iPads, iPhones, iPods ect, and on these we have iCloud, iWork, iAds ect. From the beginning Apple have plotted this cleverly disguising themselves, but if we read between the lines, calling themselves Apple in the first place is the biggest clue. In many religions and cultures the apple is the symbol of knowledge, immortality, the fall of man and even sin. The apple also symbolises the apple of Eden - the forbidden fruit. In many ways Apple is trying to tell us that they are the supreme being, they will be the fall of man and the beginning of the new world order. Evev by naming their software and products 'i' it's as if they are telling us that they are watching, maybe Orwell was wrong about big brother but he was right about the concept.
Again this is not a new insight into Apple's plan. In 1984 one of Apple's campaigns stated "… And you'll see why 1984, won't be like '1984'', because Apple were plotting. It's inevitable that in the near future Apple will reign over all so you may as well jump on the bandwagon and join Apple in their quest to be the new world order.
Remember, Apple is watching.


