It is important to teach children about their heritage. Using the association of words with pictures, 19 Sounds helps those children whose Chinese is either non-existent or quickly slipping away through a lack of use. At a young age, it is valuable to introduce the Chinese language and certain cultural aspects in order to encourage an awareness about Chinese contributions to the world.
Similar to the English language, Cantonese has a set number of consonant sounds, 19 in total. Just like the ABC books that teach the alphabet, this book teaches Chinese by sounding out the words and going through each of the 19 consonant sounds. By identifying each consonant sound, linking it to a picture, and sounding it out, Children can learn both the language and about the culture.
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The goal is not only to keep the language alive, but also to bridge the gaps between Canadian and Chinese cultures. As children, they may never give much conscious thought to what it means to be Chinese. Hopefully, this book can be a part of their journey embracing their lives as Chinese-Canadians.
The dust jacket of 19 Sounds doubles as a poster. This allows users of the book to take the learning outside of the book itself. 
19 Sounds

19 Sounds

It is important to teach children about their cultural heritage. This book uses the association of words with pictures to help children whose Can Read More
