Paweł Nowik's profile

copenhagen trashion

Copenhagen Trashion

    "The aim of trashion is to create a movement to inspire people to think more critically about style and where it comes from. It seems that most people are reliant on consumerist fashion and are under the impression that style is something that is sold to them and must be constantly updated, according to the clothes companies agenda. " - @copenhagentrashion
location: Copenhagen
photo by: Paweł Nowik
Fuji X100 black edition
color setup / luts available:
"We think that anyone who wants to, can create their own style and break free of any sort of reliance on consumerist fashions. This can be done by reusing existing clothes that can be altered or combined with materials a person might not normally think to use on clothing. Trashion combines a workshop that facilitates these ideas with a venue to show off the product in a sort of derelict fashion show. " - @copenhagentrashion
copenhagen trashion

copenhagen trashion
