Gaelen Sayres's profile

"I light this candle in a transaction"

"I light his candle in a transaction"

“I light this candle in a transaction” is an interactive installation that explores ideas surrounding the mechanization of religious and monetary transactions. Partially inspired by Douglas Adams’ “Electric Monk”, a labour-saving device found in Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, “I light a candle in this transaction” takes the form of a credit card-operated, electric votive candle stand that automatically generates and prints personal prayers for each user. At its core, the piece tries to identify what ways our modern consumerist society can expedite a spiritual process and where it fails altogether.

Processing is used to analyze and generate the credit card and prayer information while the physical parts are run via an Arduino Mega.

*Presented in Push Arts New Media Festival, Seattle 2012*

"I light this candle in a transaction"

"I light this candle in a transaction"

“I light this candle in a transaction” is an interactive installation that explores ideas surrounding the mechanization of religious and monetary Read More
