Prints Fall 2012
Print work for first semester, third year
More will be added as I produce more
One of a set of crow head prints, carved into a cardboard plate. This one has been treated in post production with watercolors to bring out the inherent crowieness.
Same crow plate on a much heavier setting and without post production.
My first linoleum cut print. This is my dog Molly, the ridiculously beautiful Cocker Spaniel.
Beetles, one inking.
Moth weight experimentation
Presentation of 4 of my plates
Composition involving my two crow plates.
Composition involving a variety of my plates.
Experimental plate with organic elements
Underused Rabbit plate. Experiment on using multiple colors on one place in a single pressing.
Variants on a single carved bird plate. The bird has two heads because polycephaly is damned interesting. I scanned the actual plate, which you can see in the lover left. I think the plate is actually more beautiful than the prints, go figure.
This is actually the back of the bird plate, which makes a very cool texture when printed. The plate is scanned on the left.
Multiple variations on a single plate I call "the loomers". The plate is on the upper left. MY favorite is the one on the top right, where I masked the figures and printed  my rabbit plate in their place. 
Slight variants on my rabbit plate. The actual plate is the purple one. I am starting to really love this rabbit.
Large glump shaped comp made by printing multiple plates ontop of one another.  Besides the poly-cephalic bird, you can see the plate bak and the loomers to the right. Also used was an inked shoelace, but it is not very visible. 
Collage comp of the images resulting from masking. I couldn't get myself to throw them away.
Simple collage of another masking paper ontop a field of watercolor.
Prints fall 2012

Prints fall 2012

Prints fall 2012
