Emmanuel Santiago's profile

Foley Art - Purse Thief

UNIT 2 Activity 1: Foley Art on Purse Thief
Cue list:
- Water
- Wind
- hair (Sliding hands on beanie)
- purse exterior and interior (interior: rummaging through a pencil case
- 2x cloth
- trees (Plastic Bag)
- purse slamming
- phone ring tone (Wind Chime)
- opening purse
- grabbing purse
- book slam
- footsteps (running shoes/heels)
- foot on metal steps
- tug of the bag
- hug (cloth)
"The purse wasn't the only thing stolen that day"
Beanie rubbing sounds for hair.
Pencil case interior for purse interior
Wind chimes for the ringtone sound
Making sounds wasn't easy to do, especially with the footsteps. We had to find shoes that can fit the sound to what the actors were wearing. Timing was even harder since they had to run and pick up the pace in the video making it a challenge to record. For my experience, the post production wasn't necessarily too hard, although I did have to make a couple more audio mixes than normal it was not hard to place everything together. I did however, found it difficult to mix the volume of the audio tracks since most of the audio had excess sounds in them that were irritating to my ear. I put the volume to low for all of the tracks and it sounded fine but quiet. So then I took the ambiance sound and made it louder so it could negate the excess sounds of the other audio tracks. Overall it wasn't hard to process and make. I could want more sounds to be implemented for this project since ours was very lacking.
Foley Art - Purse Thief

Foley Art - Purse Thief
