Some are of me, some are not—take your pick.
I had so much fun shooting the self-portraits. Actually I had so much fun shooting all of these photos.
I feel very beautiful whenever I see this photo.
I hope it looks like the light is coming out of the bucket. I hope that that even looks like a bucket LOL.
I ended up throwing my back out while I was in the pose on the left.
I couldn't spell ground correctly so let's just settle for 'groun'!
I had to walk so much in order to find a good enough spot to get this shot.
I remember my friends had no clue how to pose but they somehow decided on really difficult poses to hold for 15 seconds...
True story, I almost drove into the tripod because it was dark outside (obviously).
Long Exposures

Long Exposures

Exploration of different long exposure compositions as well as camera techniques.
