Exploring the mutations of platonic solids; at first playing with combinations is like collecting shells on the beach, or noticing the idiosyncracies of textures in nature. I've been exporting shapes resembling grains of pollen, seed-pods, viruses, mathematical simulations, futuristic containers. 
Polygon objects were created using Marcin Ignac's fantabulous GEO Editor . The polyhedra were imported into Cinema 4D for texturing / rendering. 

Shout-out to this BoingBoing article on Max Brückner's 1900 work Polygons and Polyhedra, and its photos of various polyhedral objects. I was also inspired by this painting of Luca Pacioli, the Renaissance mathematician, with a floating  rhombicuboctahedron, half-filled with water. (Such a strange object! What is going on here.)

Also props to Gmunk and his GEO Series project which introduced me to this tool. 
Polyhedra 2017.03

Polyhedra 2017.03

Experiments collecting interesting polygon objects; 03-2017
