Alicia Tyson's profile

Amelioration: Interaction between two interfaces.


Design is amelioration (the act of making something better or improving). 
Design is not about coming up with solutions, but rather having results that have been pushed through the meat grinder many times. 
The process of design involves diverging, converging, throwing explosives onto the result to question its integrity, and then doing it all over again.
The first problem to solve was finding a design that needed to be ameliorated and then coming up with “solutions” to positively influence the existing design.

Ideas to ameliorate the disconnect between historical information and the environment 
for all newcomers to Halifax: 
Interaction between two interfaces: Helping you navigate and engage with historic Halifax

This group project is from my masters program at NSCAD University. The group consisted of Elena Kurevija, Dhuha Qorban and Alicia Tyson. © 2015.

Action Research Methodology visualized in poster design.
Amelioration: Interaction between two interfaces.

Amelioration: Interaction between two interfaces.
