Necklace "Airy"
CHP...? Jewelry

This project won the first place of "Wanderlust" contest organized by Gijs Bakker
and the "A! Diseño" award in the fashion category.
The aim of this piece of jewelry is to raise awareness on endangered species like the monarch butterfly that is in danger of extinction due to illegal logging committed in hibernating areas.

This necklace represents the journey made by the monarch butterfly every year, that goes from Mexico to USA, Canada and then goes back.

 With this in mind, the starting point of this piece (symbolyzing where the butterflies are born) is at the backspine of the holder; then the number of butterflies gradually increases to the right shoulder because they take flight first to the northeast. Slowly, the population decreases and they go back to the origin, the backspine (Mexico), and the lifecycle is repeated.

The material of this piece (wood veneer) represents the Mexican trees in which this species inhabits. In addition, the necklace is light and fragile such as the monarch butterflies that are in danger of extinction. 
Material: walnut veneer
Sketching Process. Textures, endangered species, jewelry.




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