Sep 8, 2012
Overpopulation has become a major issue in todays environment. More and more people are having over three kids a family. When those kids grow up they have three or more of their own. Thus causing more population. Today we have over seven billion people and every day we gain about 100,000 more. It's a science guess that by 2020 well reach 8 billion people and by 2050 we would have reached about  billion people. The U.S. population exceeds 300 million and is projected to grow about fifty percent in the next 35 years. We have already exceeded the population size. This has caused global warming and ocean acidification. It has been said that a way we can reduce our population is by getting rid of rare plants and animals all over the world. in my opinion this is such a wrong thing to do because we have been trying to save these rare plants and animals as long as i can remember and just to get the population down by killing them is ridiculous. It has also been heard to reduce our own population we could "empower woman, educate all people, and have universal access to birth control." Now i personally believe that all woman and young girls should be able to take birth control, even those who cant afford them, Thee government should allow those woman to have birth control and i think it would help our population. Maybe even only allow 3 kids per family and not 20 like that one lady is doing. Maybe one day our government will figure out a right way to control our population.


the worlds overpopulation and its solutions


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