Fractal - 

The chaotic patterns in creation has never failed to leave me in awe and wonder - how can a force be so uncontrollable, and yet survive for centuries? From the cross section of human flesh to the vast, scattered landscape of the Ghobi desert. From the aerial view of land and sea as seen from the ISS to the drops of rain as they drip their way down the window of your car. From the lush swirls of porcelain in blue and cream to the pale green of sea foam as it floats across oceans... What binds the colossal to the minuscule; who holds it all together?

Experimenting with the basic fundamentals of paper marbling, I used a thin layer of oil paint to create the coloured pigment that would float across the water. Quickly using a combing tool, I swirled the patterns into place. Most of these designs were unplanned, but thoroughly enjoyed in the process of discovery. I hope you enjoy the visual stories as much as I loved creating them.