I started to design shoes since 2008. 
Teke Shoes. Wild Mountain Goat on feet. Inspired by wild Mountain Goats in Kyrgyz Republic. Teke means Goat in kyrgyz language
Stln Shoes. I've designed this shoe in 2009 and was one of my concepts from my portfolio. I sent them to Domus Academy's International Accessories Design Contest where I won the 3rd prize. It has everlasting line which wraps the feet around. 
vGapp Shoes. New breath to the footwear design. The leather made of one piece which wraps the foot and goes to the heel. 
And also has a gap on center which forms the "V" shape on the heels.
uGapp Shoes. The leather made of one piece which wraps the foot and goes to the heel. And also has a gap on center which forms the "U" shape on the heels
Wrapper Shoes. The leather made of one piece which beautifully wraps the leg and goes to the heel. Inspired by Aliens Movie's creatures.
Foolcell Shoes. The leather made of one piece with holes to ventilate.
Rapunzel Shoes. The leather made of one piece which beautifully wraps the leg and goes to the heel.
Colani Shoes. Tribute to Mr. Luigi Colani, to the aerodynamics professor. The leather cut from one piece which is organically bent.
SHOES Design


SHOES Design

My concept collection of shoe design
