A. M.'s profile

"The Outrageous Ornament"

This garment was designed during the project "Inter-, Trans- and InBetween-Fashion"
at the Köln International School of Design (KISD).
The aim was to create gender fluid fashion, which should be more than just unixes chlothing.

The form is inspired by the buildings of architect Frank Gehry, who deconstructed the form such as gender philosphy is deconstructing and rebuilding the boarders of the social recogniton of gender-identities.
The virtuosic shapes of the buildings are not really necessary for its' use, so one could speak about an outrageous use of it. Without this freedom of reinventing the form
Gehry would never have had become such a recognizable architect.
 Wee need the free form to break patterns and create something free and new.

Credits to: Steffanie Müller (Photography) and the Models Dmitrii Kuznetsov & Franziska Severins
"The Outrageous Ornament"

"The Outrageous Ornament"

Architecture inspired fashion
