Target audience- children
Number of episodes-6
Duration-10 minutes/ episode (twice a week: Saturday, Sunday)
Basic story in short that leads this series ahead Characters –Shoe, Boo, Twee, Mandy, Ora, Mum and other supporting characters like the cobbler, teacher, people in the shopping mall etc.
How the characters are?? (Shoe and Boo)
Boo is a little boy. In the beginning of the series the character is very low and upset and very less interactive. He has three friends Twee, Mandy and Ora. Mandy, his neighborhood as well as a school friend and Twee and Ora, his school friends. They are all very friendly but Boo doesn’t feel that close with them. After he meets Shoe, he feels very happy. He finds in him his own friend, his own brother. He soon changes. Shares his feelings with Shoe. He develops a different kind of attachment for shoe. Shoe, on the other hand is a pair of ‘shoes’ who has feelings and can talk in this series.
Shoe and Boo soon behave like brothers and the series proceed…
(Shoe-Boo, the meeting episode)

Christmas is near. Boo and his mum are both busy cleaning the house. While cleaning, Boo discovers a pair of bright blue and yellow shoes. Just that moment, something seems to attract him and he asks his mum if he could have them because they look really good. His mum denies. And then, questions after questions, crying after crying, his mum consoles the little boy and asks him to finally try wearing them. It perfectly fits him. Boo smiles and then his mum tells him that they are his father’s shoes when he was young. They were gifted to her by Boo’s grandma and that was the only thing she had as her husband’s memory. Boo is amazed. That day seems to be his luckiest day and that gift, his best Christmas gift ever. He hugs his mum tight and they get back to work again. Next, he cleans the pair of shoes that night and its spick and span. He dries them and keeps them in his shoe rack.

(Shoe-Boo, the attachment develops)

It’s the first day, Boo wears them. Shoe is offended and doesn’t like it. Shoe bits Boo. He puts medicine and asks Shoe why it did so. Shoe tells him about how it felt inside the box for so many years and how relieved it is to come out and breathe now. They continue talking and soon get attached. Boo now travels with Shoe everywhere- to the school, shopping mall, park, and cinema. They are now Boo’s favorite. It’s not just his friend who he shares things with but his brother.

(Shoe-Boo, goes to school)

Shoe meets Ora, Twee and Mandy. Boo tells them about it being his father’s on the first day. Soon, Shoe attends classes with Boo and gets educated. He is scared hearing Boo’s English teacher shouting at him for incomplete work. During assembly, Shoe is stamped by another boy, he cries. Shoe helps Boo in his Mathematics exam. Next, during break, Shoe enjoys slides and swings with Boo. In the music class, it hears Boo sing wonderfully. After school, it travels back home with boo in the school bus.

(Shoe-Boo, goes for Christmas shopping)

Shoe goes to the mall with Boo for Christmas shopping and enjoys watching wonderful things other than just his box. It tells Boo how things have changed from Boo’s father’s time. Shoe is amazed looking at the beautiful girls. Shoe whistled thrice at three different girls. Boo enjoys it too. They buy some good candies and while coming out Shoe whistles the fourth time it’s a big problem, the girl runs to catch Shoe-Boo. On the escalator, Shoe’s hand (shoe laces) gets stuck. Boo too falls down. They are both hurt and start crying. The girl helps them instead of shouting. Shoe and Boo realize their mistake and apologize.

(Shoe-Boo, goes to the park)

It’s a Sunday and it’s raining. Boo and his friends plan to go to the park today. Shoe goes along with them. The ground it wet and Shoe is very annoyed but at the same time it enjoys taking a bath in the rain. After playing with the mud, Ora, Twee, Mandy and Boo decide to play football.
While playing, the ball comes to Boo and he kicks it hard, not realizing that Shoe would get hurt. Shoe is hurt (gets torn from one side) and cries. Boo cries too. Just then, Ora, Twee and Mandy console them and take Shoe to the doctor (cobbler). Shoe is cleaned, wiped and then given stitches. Boo wipes Shoe’s tears, apologize and hugs Shoe.

(Shoe-Boo, during school concert)

It is the annual concert today and Boo is singing. Shoe has come along with Boo and is enjoying the show thoroughly.  Shoe wishes Good luck to Boo. The back stage is dark and people are stepping on Shoe. Shoe is hurt repeatedly. A fat guy comes and stands on Shoe. It feels breathless. It bits and the guy moves thinking it was some insect. Next, it is Boo’s performance and meanwhile a boy steals Shoe away because he really likes them. Shoe shouts but the sound and the music is too loud. The boy keeps it in his bag and Shoe is crying inside. After the performance Boo cannot find Shoe. He looks around everywhere and then starts crying. He is then noticed by his principal who announces the news on stage but no one responds. The teacher calls out for an inspection after the show. All the bags are inspected by the prefects and the boy is caught. He is scolded. Shoe-Boo meet again but…..
There comes another problem, the boy spreads to everyone about Shoe and that it can talk. Everyone is in plans to steal them again. Boo is in trouble…



television series for kids


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