A brand new website for the Cincinnati based product design company, with a focus on their succesful mass market product designs and results driven processes. In essence this a showcase but they also wanted the site to be a business tool, which would also be used for recruitment and education.

Leading with large full screen images of completed work for clients such as Motorola, Orange and Procter & Gamble gives the site some visual depth. These images are selected at random and used as the background to the site for the remainder of your visit; the idea being that it gives the impression of a company that is constantly evolving, working, designing and delivering. Deeper investigation into the site, leads to explanations of processes, strategies and ethical commitments.

The site had a lot of content but by using social media examples as a benchmark, we limited the number of pages and made provision for users to scroll up and down the page in single-click actions, meaning we could really simplify the site and allow users to get where they needed to quickly and efficiently.

Design Firm: Limepickle / Client: Kaleidoscope


Website as part of a branding overhaul for product design company in Cincinnati.
