Michael A. Barnum's profile

Scenic Painting - Eurydice

Eurydice (2016)
Directed by
Keltie Forsyth
Written by Sarah Ruhl
Set Designed by Heipo Leung
Costume Design: Alix Miller
Lighting Designed by:
 Tori Ip, Sophie Tang and Stefan Zubovic
In my involvement with Eurydice I enjoyed two separate titles, first as a scenic painter and as the assistant set designer. Work began in November 2015 starting with painting a black stage floor as an off white gray, with striations of varying color slightly off from white. As an assistant, I worked mostly as a stand by, fixing any situations, like preparing ground rows introduced at the last minute for a dress rehearsal within only a few short hours notice.
Stage Floor
In order to match the minimalist underworld of Eurydice the black stage of the Freddy Wood Theatre had to be transformed into an off white surface with striations that created a color difference like that found in woodwork, and accomplished by first painting the entire stage in a base coat white. This was followed by additional coats, first with spraying the floor with a tank sprayer (the same used to spray for pesticides) using various shades of grey, with the sprayed areas rolled into long strokes overlapping and meshing into one another running back and forth from stage down and stage up. This process was repeated for an additional coats, and then with a last color coat of lightly applied watery magentas and teals, before finally varnishing the entire stage floor.
Copper Pipes
The copper pipping (and trash bin) seen below was made from black PVC pipes that were first sanded down to lose their plastic sheen and then mudded with putty and painted copper, with a black water stain for darkening and making the sheen appear more metallic than plastic and finished with splashes of water based magenta and teal splatters to give the pipes an aged look. In the end result they matched with authentic copper fixtures seamlessly.
These groundrow masks were introduced very late into the production when footlights were added to the lighting design. I was given incredibly short notice at 4 PM, as they had to be completed and dried by the 7:30 dress rehearsal! Not to mention I had to paint these 6 groundrows to match seamlessly with the floor, in which the vertical striations matched those on the the panels and the stage floor.
Elevator Paneling
Below is a work-in-progress look at elevator interior panels before they were stained and given a textured wood grain finish (as seen above) in darker coats.
Scenic Painting - Eurydice

Scenic Painting - Eurydice

An extensive production that I worked on at first as a scenic painter and later as an assistant to the set designer
