Intruders is a board game made from an antique game material. We used the board and pieces from "Cerca la liebre", without knowing the original rules, and conceived mechanics around it. It was developped as a tangible and virtual version.

In Intruders, 4 players in teams of 2 battle on a server to retrieve an important document. Each player controls 3 tokens of a color, that will be used to push the document token in the player's camp to achieve victory.
On this project, i was in charge of the graphisms, visual identity and fabrication of the physical board game, as well as the rules booklet.
This was my first group project, and we had a hard time finding the right board to then work on. We had to reboot one month before the deadline, but still managed to obtain this result. The challenge for me on this project was to adapt the assets for the programmer to integrate them. I had to redo several times the board, decorations and buttons. I have learned a lot on how to use InDesign and Illustrator during that semester.
Here are some of the documents such as the Game Overview Document and the Rules Booklet :)
Game - Intruders

Game - Intruders

A tabletop and video game about hackers in a virtual space.
