Cyanotype printing is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print when treated with Ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide and exposed to sunlight.
Image: Negative printed on OHP sheet
Exposure time: 10 minutes
Material: Printing sheet; A4 size
Image: Positive printed on OHP sheet
Exposure time: 11 minutes
Material: Handmade paper; A4 size
(Left)Image: Object placed on cloth 
Exposure time: 11 minutes 
Material: Thick cotton cloth

(Right)Image: Negative on OHP
Exposure time: 14 minutes 
Material: Handmade paper; A5 size
(Left) Image: Negative on OHP 
Exposure time: 16 minutes 
Material: Cartridge paper; A4 size

(Right)Image: Dismantled Rubik’s cube 
Exposure time: 11mins
Material: Cartridge paper
(Left) Image: Negative on OHP 
Exposure time: 13 minutes 
Material: Cartridge paper; A4 size

(Right) Image: Positive on OHP 
Exposure time: 16 minutes 
Material: Recycled cotton paper; A5 size
Image: Negative on OHP
Exposure time: 20 minutes
Material: Cartridge paper; A4 size
The first image was produced immediately after washing. The second is of the same but the patch was produced in about 10 minutes after the first was clicked which adds to the image's beauty now.
Final exhibition display


