Ayah Badr's profile

Armadillo Toy Design

Armadillo Toy Design
Polygonal Modeling, Wintersession 2017
For this project, I began with the idea of a material investigation. I wanted to combine the properties of the rigidity and "modern" aspect of 3D printing with more traditional materials, such as lace. By using the different structural properties of lace and flexible 3D filament, I explored connection methods and ultimately came up with a small toy to introduce these two materials to a younger audience. I chose to base this toy off of an armadillo, since their bodies mimic the properties of these two materials (a rough outer shell with a soft underbelly).
Screenshot of 3D modeling process in Rhino
Test prints using flexible filament. I wanted to create my prototype in flexible filament, so that the shells could be modeled and printed flat, and then held as a curve in tension with the lace
Lace prototyping. I went through various tests using different densities, fill motif patterns, and threads. I ultimately came to a design that incorporated a thin mesh to give the lace additional strength
3D rendering of the printed pieces assembled
Armadillo Toy Design

Armadillo Toy Design
