Simon O'Neill's profile

The Lehane Trilogy

Youtube - the people's choice...!
The Lehane Trilogy
A promo for Ruth Lehane's upcoming one-woman-show in the Absolut Fringe Festival, Dublin.

We wanted to put together a teaser for the show without doing something obvious such as filming a section of dialogue or actually giving too much away about what happens. So with a nod to Hitchcock we filmed this piece on a Sunday morning and a few elements really classed it up - such as Bill Golding on voice over and Jess Murray's great music score.

Director of Photography Richie Donnelly gave the whole thing a claustrophobic, hand held look and it was great fun to shoot.

Get your tickets here:

Book today to avoid disappointment....!


Nominated for "Ad of the Month"


Ruth Lehane wins Best Female Performer Award at The Fringe...!
Also available in HD on Vimeo.
The Lehane Trilogy

The Lehane Trilogy

Promo for The Lehane Trilogy, Trinity Players Theatre, Absolut Dublin Fringe Festival.
