Claire Seaton's profile

Spoken Word Poetry Film | To Live

Spoken Word Poetry Film | To Live
"This is a film about the desperation of short-term tunnel vision and the need to look beyond. It is the result of a lot of thoughts I've been having about life and purpose, and I wanted very desperately for it to be perfect. In making it, I staked a lot of my pride to its perfection, holding it up as the culmination of everything I've been learning and working on as an artist/activist/performer/writer/filmmaker/human being. Inevitably, it drove me to the exact desperate tunnel vision I sought to dispel in making it. So instead of continually tweaking it until I am blue in the face because art is never truly done, I shall share this part of my self with you all.

I hope it makes you think."
Spoken Word Poetry Film | To Live

Spoken Word Poetry Film | To Live
