‘Movement as Beauty’ is a design project focusing on conceptual design. Conceptual design involves research and questioning to a level whereby the design outcome reflects and communicates the creator’s question  to the topic and the eventual outcome that is unique, novel and surprising
Image above shows an example of an iridescent material in the form of crystals.
Images from: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a0/e4/86/a0e48691c83d41724830106951089ece.jpg
After exploration of different topics, I settled on the topic of iridescent.From the dictionary, iridescent is defined as showing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles. 

Hence, the beauty of iridescent lies in the organic morphing of colours 
that changes when seen from different angles.

Hence, I tried using pre-existing materials to explore the effects of iridescent to understand it better. 
Materials include dichroic film and pearl effect paints.  The effects is then tested on different materials
Images above the shows same 3M dichroic films held in a different angle.
It showcases the quality of iridescent as the colour changes when viewed in a different angle.
Images above shows a black cardstock painted with pearlescent paint. 
Similar to that of a dichroic film, it changes colour when seen in a different angle.
It showcases the quality of iridescent as the colour changes when viewed in a different angle.
After exploration, I realised that the effect of iridescent is not just captured on the material itself, but also in its projection.
Hence, I decided to work on a lighting object that projects the effect of iridescent.
The effect of white LED light shined through coloured transparency, creating the organic morphing of colours.
Making of the lighting object and the effects of the colours.
There is the timer attached to the lights. Hence, different coloured light will be turned on at different frequency, 
creating the organic morphing of colours.
Final form and effect of the Iridescent Light.
Iridescent Light

Iridescent Light
