Applying Design Thinking to minimize food waste for families that cook (Innovation through Design Thinking class)
We conducted ethnographic research to gain insights into why food is wasted.
After collecting the data we started noticing commonalities among the types of users. 
After going through the data, the project was re-framed.
Further analysis of the data narrowed down the focus.
Once we narrowed our project scope, we derived the guiding principles that our solution needed to adhere to.
We diverged to find ways to give families more control over the packages they purchase.
After coming up with 60+ concepts we converged on making the available size the ideal size.
We prototyped three solutions but recommend a food tracking app.
A mock-up phone app was used to get insights from users.
Grocventor addresses all the major considerations in grocery buying.


Design thinking applied to the problem of improving the experience of cooking for families.
