This project was a class assignment, in this we had to create a nonsensical story.
A nonsensical story help develop imagination and cope with stress. It is a break from daily routine and  build readers's interests and create new ones.
This story has been designed to helps children think, make decisions, form judgments, and values. The main characters of this story are:
>Sachi - The main protagonist, she is a software engineer.
>Jai & Veeru - These characters are inspired from a famous bollywood movie named 'Sholay'.
>Gabbar - A robber who wants to conquer the world and is a techie, also inspired from movie 'Sholay'.
>Sambha - Assisstant of Gabbar.
>Basanti - A famous female character from 'Sholay'.

Page-1(inked version of the storyboard)
Page-2(inked version of the storyboard)
The design placed in a mock..
Page-3(inked version of the storyboard)
The designed placed in a mock..
Rough sketch of the storyboard.
Inked version of the storyboard placed in a mock.
What Nonsense!

What Nonsense!

A storyboard concept for a nonsensical story, using some famous known characters from Indian Cinema to give the story a humorous touch.
