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Oreo Marketing Study

The Oreo cookie has existed for decades as a cultural phenomenon driven by branding strategy.
As a brand, it was built almost solely on aggressive distribution. It was not original or even a better product, but wildly successful solely because of strategy.
Cookies can be sorted into four main categories: standard, premium, healthy, and private label.
Then they can be assessed by convenience, taste and nutrition. Oreos are very mainstream, and not especially premium or healthy.This becomes evident upon examining the emphasis on convenience, with moderate taste quality, and low nutrition.
According to data from grocery store customer receipts, Oreo's average customer tends to be relatively loyal to the Oreo brand over half of the time.
Oreos are easily the best selling cookie brand with the largest amount of growth.
Oreos basically have a monopoly on the cookie industry.
Oreos are literally universal as they are internationally present. They are even "liked” more than Starbucks.
New flavors increase interest in the brand and help consumers connect through culture, other brands, and even values like gay pride. They simultaneously introduce new product attraction and renew awareness of original.
Even just as an edible food object, Oreos are more influential than you might think.
The cookies and cream flavor is extremely prevalent in modern pop culture, not only in ice cream and other snacks, but also as a luxury item in baked goods and even Air Jordan sneakers.
Recipes that use Oreos are often quick and easy to make. Oreo even sells pre-made Oreo pie crust.
Oreos dominance over the marketplace is only threatened by homemade cookies.
As it appears on the back these are the ingredients that go into every Oreo cookie. There is a convoluted quality that comes about due to the overuse of parenthesis and the way the ingredients are described. The adjectives present include- unbleached, enriched, reduced, processed, high fructose, artificial. 
Among the multitude of ingredients there are no eggs or dairy. Chocolate is the last ingredient and therefore the least present component in the cookie.
Addresses consumer's nutritional anxiety with streamlined ingredients. 
Takes into account consumers rapidly evolving values.
Oreo Marketing Study

Oreo Marketing Study

A marketing study on the Oreo cookie.
