A line that went for a walk: Exhibiton on Gender roles

The exhibition talks about the path traveled by both men and women but yet it is not very distinct from each other. 

A photography exhibition describing how both genders are perceived in the society. Highlighting social issues and gender identities.
The interactive installation was designed for the users to come sit in front of the mirror, trying to dress themselves with different items kept on the dressing table by hearing a voice over on the headphones. The voiceover asks the user to make certain choices which generally favors the opposite gender. It provokes the user and make them think why are they gender biased or which gender they prefer over the other.
The installation was meant to trigger an emotional experience and behaviour.

The movie talks about how a transgender is perceived in the society by people around them and finally what a transgender thinks about gender and society.
A line that went for a walk: Exhibiton on Gender roles

A line that went for a walk: Exhibiton on Gender roles
