Aardhuisweg Uddel
urbanism and development plan, Aardhuus B.V.  2011
i.c. Marc Polman
A vulnerable location at the outskirts of the rural village of Uddel will be developed as housing location. The urban plan focuses on strengthening the historic woodland structure already present and tries to leave as much as possible 'free air' in the residential area.
Four design principles are based on the characteristics of the village and the historical landscape surrounding the location. By introducing a large open meadow inside the plan instead of a sprawl of all sorts of small green elements the ‘landscape size’ is imported in the plan itself. The meadow also gives many residents the possibility of living on the village edges with superbe views to the landscape. Typical Uddel features such as gravel verges along a simple tarmac road and large frontgardens are also included and make sure the new extension will blend in just as much in the village as in the landscape.