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Augmented reality iPad app - Wireframes, user testing

Design an augmented reality app - aimed at sales reps and health care professionals in the UK.

Design challenges
The overall functionality of the app has been agreed with the client without UX input, and various issues have come to light.

Site map

Summary of design process
1. I designed the user flow, wireframes, and sitemap to meet the requirements of the brief and regulatory aspects of the pharmaceutical industry.
2. I presented the initial wireframes to a third party agency responsible for building the app and gave my recommendations for change and highlighted potential usability issues associated with the proposed user journey.
Key recommendations
1. Realign elements on the activation page to ensure all items are visible above the keyboard space on the iPad.
2. Include PDF rather than a link to an external website. This would ensure that the user would remain within the app experience and avoid the need for wireless/3G connectivity.
3. Successfully negotiated the inclusion of a discussion guide to appear in the camera view screen. This would act as a memory aid for doctors who would be using the app.
Testing and recommendations
Once visual treatment was complete, I carried out a quickfire round of low-fidelity testing which showed:
1. Users were compelled to tap on an inactive area of the screen - Boxed areas require more subtlety to look less button-like. 
2. Once in the camera view, users did not notice the help button - Requires increased visual dominance
All wireframes are my own work. Visual designs created by visual designer.
Augmented reality iPad app - Wireframes, user testing

Augmented reality iPad app - Wireframes, user testing

iPad app - augmented reality
