Animals Or Me


Climate change and animal rights are both debatable issues for human world, some of you may have already noticed that lots of people do not believe human can change the climate, included Trump.
Because of human instinct, the answer can be predicted not only by scanning political behavior but comparing the interest of human rights and animal rights.​​​​​​​
Oh, please forgot what I said, don't treat me like a terrorist.I just need to remind you that there are a group of men worship money like his life.

小水鴨 (Green Winged Teal),小水鴨是草食性鳥類,他們的食物包括草籽、穀物、水草等,在秋收後亦取食螺獅等軟體動物。
穿山甲 (Pangolin) 棲息在亞熱帶地區和熱帶地區的山區森林、灌叢等環境,晝伏夜出,白天睡覺時會抱成球狀。作為夜行動物,它們有良好的嗅覺以協助尋找昆蟲等食物。

" Now you see me, I just wanna live. "


Human Rights?

Human Rights?

If you love animals, do something to stop climate change . I paint those animals pictures not only I love them but want to remind all of you : hu Read More


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