Ben Peacock's profile

Equipped Ad Campaign

Equipped Ads

It was time for a new ad campaign for Southwestern Seminary, so I began drawing a mind map to help me think through what was central to seminary, why it existed, and why anyone should enroll. I narrowed it down to a few things, but kept coming back to this idea of equipping ministers who equip the church for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). Once I had the initial idea solidified, I took it to the Creative Director and we began to brainstorm ways to bring this idea to life. Photos of adults doing everyday things with toys seemed to convey the necessity of proper equipping for work. I served as the photographer, photo retoucher/compositor, copywriter, and designer for this project. The ads ran at conferences, and in magazines and newspapers for over a year.

Some design and copy was by Dave Wright and Keith Collier respectively. Thanks for Matt Miller and Nic Hervey for help with lighting and location scouting. Thanks to Kidd, Evan Wicker, and Dave Wright for being willing subjects.
Equipped Ad Campaign

Equipped Ad Campaign

Equipped Ad Campaign for Southwestern Seminary
