Alicia Leong's profile

Digital Story Telling and Animation

Story line - Choice of life
Once upon a time, a rich yet very greedy lady was always dreaming at her own house. And every day, she was dreaming 
that can earn more and more money. Until one day, she founds there are three old men sitting in front on her doorstep. 
And because of that, the three old men asked her for the food. And because of that, she brought out some dry food for them 
but in exchange, she asked one of them work for her. And because of that, lady asked for their name, and they replied with 
their name which named  财富(wealth), 成功(success) and 健康(health). She started thinking for a long time. Until finally, 
she decided to choose财富(wealth). And since that day, 财富(wealth) started working for her. She was getting richer and richer 
yet her body was getting weaker. And because of that, the three old men appeared and told her the truth and show up 
their real identity. And because of that, the lady understands that health more than anything else.
Digital Story Telling and Animation - Choice of life
The 3 idea of DSA
First sketches
Second sketches
Final sketches
Characters design according to references
Characters 4 different view sketches
Characters face expression sketches
Characters gesture sketches
Character Lady
Character Man
Produced by: Alicia Leong & Calvin Chong
Director: Alicia Leong & Calvin Chong
Design: Alicia Leong
Art Director: Alicia Leong
Writer: Alicia Leong
Animator: Alicia Leong & Calvin Chong
Music: Calvin Chong
Editor: Calvin Chong
Narrator: Cheryl Leong

Thank you for watching! (:
Digital Story Telling and Animation

Digital Story Telling and Animation

Digital Story Telling and Animation
