Marcel Morales's profile

hyperbolic tiling, woman and flowers

I use hyperbolic tiling, to produce a picture,  and the profile of somebody , this picture is the soul of the profile

les pavages hyperboliques servent de toile de fond pour remplir un paysage ou un corps d'une femme, ce qui lui donne une personalité

Aqui se usan las teselaciones hiperbolicas para fabricar un dibujo, este dibujo sirve de fondo para una silueta, como vestido o mas aun le da consistencia y vida

ellinika: edo boreis na deis ena hyperbolic tesselation, kai mia gineka
hyperbolic tiling, woman and flowers

hyperbolic tiling, woman and flowers

I use my software TILING to produce a tiling, then I use this file to compose a picture, main point consist to choose colors and shapes J'utilise Read More
