Next Steps is a new group in the Kansas City area where artists and others in the community gather to have an open dialogue discussion on identifying and solving problems to further the community. Here is the logo I designed for them, using different characters from different typefaces to represent the diversity in the dialogue. Also playing off dialogue with the quotations for the e's in Next Steps. 
Above is the promotional video I made for their Facebook page.  The purpose was to be apart of their first post to introduce Next Steps to the world. 
Being a group on dialogue we thought it'd be important to keep an achieve of their meetings.  After transcribing the first, we created a book that goes through the discussion.
Inside spreads are set up to have the pure transcript on the left and the designers' typographic interpretation on the right.  
Book also included take aways, like business cards. 
Next Steps

Next Steps

A collaborative group effort in Typography 3 spreading the word about Next Steps, a voice for the community's artists.
