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Balance in Trade Show Exhibits

Balance in Trade Show Exhibits

The most successful trade show exhibits have something in common: Balance. Creativity, uniqueness, new approaches, and bold details all contribute to an exhibit that captures attention. However, it is balance that allows all of these details to work together. The shocking effect of bold colors and graphics, for example, can be tempered with sufficient white space. The overwhelming feel of a large display can be offset by an organized use of that space. And, smart design choices can balance appeal and budget. Following are a few of the elements that may require balance in your next trade show exhibit.

Balance your budget and your trade show exhibit features.
Large displays, lots of features, and the latest technology all offer tempting and obvious ways to stand out from the event crowd. Having to stay within the limits of a budget may feel restrictive. Yet, businesses that throw the budget out the window often end up with a trade show exhibit that leaves them with little money for additional trade show expenses, or that cost so much that you cannot realistically make a favorable ROI from their event schedule that year.

The reality is that balancing your budget and your trade show exhibit features is the best way to achieve a display that works for your business. With the right design services, you can develop creative ways to meet your display goals without incorporating every new feature or every new piece of technology in order to keep your costs down.

At the same time, it is important to create a display that is compelling. Sometimes, this means bringing a trade show exhibit that is similar in size and features to your competition. For example, if your competition is bringing 10x10 custom exhibits, you probably will not succeed with a small table top display.

As a result, you need to balance your budget and the design features in your trade show exhibit. For example, you might want to choose a custom exhibit in order to stand out on the trade show floor, but choose a simpler layout and a little bit less technology in order to accommodate your budget. Your exhibit company can help you to navigate these choices in order to create a trade show exhibit that acknowledges the constraints of your budget without sacrificing impact or effectiveness.

Balance the use of space and your goals in your trade show exhibit.
Balancing exhibit design and your budget is a need that quickly becomes obvious to most businesses looking to build a trade show exhibit. A less glaring area requiring balance, however, is the use of the space within the display. There are many ways in which you can utilize the space within your booth, including lounge areas, product displays, and meeting rooms.

As mentioned above, striking the right balance in your trade show exhibit probably means forgoing the largest possible display in favor of a size that allows you to remain within your budget. As a result, you will need to use the space you have wisely. The most successful layout for your trade show exhibit will be one that is cohesive and focused on your goals.

This might mean balancing your desire for a large lounge area with your goal of meeting with your most promising leads. It might mean choosing product displays and a presentation space instead of creating meeting rooms in order to showcase your cutting edge product. Regardless of the choice you make, the key is to prioritize your goals for your trade show exhibit and then use your space to reflect those goals.

Balance creativity and practicality in your trade show exhibits.
Standing out in the exhibit hall is a critical element in getting traffic to your trade show exhibit. In order to do so, you need a healthy dose of creativity and boldness in your display. Achieving a look in your trade show exhibit that is unlike any of the other displays on the floor is sure to get people looking your way.

At the same time, however, you need to do something with people’s attention once you have it. That is why flashiness is not the only important element of a successful trade show exhibit. Instead, your display must also communicate effectively with your target audience. This means incorporating a clear and compelling message that is easy to digest in the moment or two people spend looking at your trade show exhibit.

That is why your trade show exhibit must balance creativity and practicality. Your cool features and unique look also need to tell people what your business is about. Your exhibit company’s design services can help you to flesh out your vision and goals for your display and then use creativity in service of those goals in order to create a trade show exhibit that both stands out and communicates effectively.

Balance graphics and white space in your trade show exhibit.
Finally, when creating a trade show exhibit, you need to balance your use of graphics with your use of white space. Graphics are vital because they capture people’s attention and encapsulate your message in an easy to digest format. Without graphics, your trade show exhibit becomes a mere wall of words.

At the same time, too many graphics can be counterproductive. If someone has too many images to focus on at once, they might not be able to decipher your message before they become bored and move on to the next display. Busyness can overwhelm people and send them to your competitor.

As a result, seek a combination of graphics and white space that will allow you to fully communicate your message. For example, use your graphics to quickly communicate your brand to your target audience. And, use sufficient white space to give their eyes a place to rest and to highlight the messaging and graphics you want them to see. The balance will allow you to more effectively capture the attention of your target audience.

Creating effective and profitable trade show exhibits often means striking the right balance between the elements of that display. By balancing your budget and features, you ensure a favorable ROI and a less stressful exhibiting experience. By balancing your space and display goals, you ensure a cohesive and functional area. By balancing creativity and practicality, you achieve a trade show exhibit that effectively communicates your brand to attendees. The result is a trade show exhibit that balances the needs of your target audience and your trade show goals.
Balance in Trade Show Exhibits

Balance in Trade Show Exhibits

The most successful trade show exhibits have something in common: Balance. Creativity, uniqueness, new approaches, and bold details all contribut Read More
