The project "Where the Fireflies end" came from a long research process.
We started our project with interviews of different elderly people to understand their needs, pains. By talking with them we figure out the need to recreate a dialogue around death with their family. Then, we interviewed some undertakers, a preast and other people from different ages to get a bigger picture of the subject.
We gathered our key findings from desk research, user interviews and forecasting, in this magazine divided in different parts. We used black humor and sarcasm to raise some problematics and bring other perspectives on this heavy and serious subject. Based on different indicators, we imagined a future world, in order to place our project in context. Ads spread along the magazine are questioning the future or death and funerals. This object stand as the ground of our project.

Work in group with Paul Lequay and Maxime Marois.
Desk research
Research in an elderly home
Interviews with undertakers, a priest and elderies
Indicators on the future
Fake future add
Future world context
Aging by design

Aging by design

Research Magazine for the project "Where the fireflies end"
