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GoPro Experience Pop Up Exhibition_01

GoPro Experience Pop Up Exhibition
Bird’s Eye View

The exhibition is a linear experience, which is divided into three parts : Part I - Ordinary World : Stories of Lives Before Becoming an Athlete, Part II - Challenges : Training for Special Olympics, and Part III - Return : Find the Inner Heroes. They are comprised of five spaces : Introduction / Global GoPro , Individual theaters, Social impact lab, Immersive group theater, and outdoor screenings.

Upon entering GoPro Embassy, visitors will be greeted by GoPro Embassy ambassadors. The geometric-shaped structures with shaded blue colors highlight a dynamic and energetic brand image. In this area, visitors will be informed with general exhibition information and the mission and passport process. After getting the overview, the audience can decide whether they want to register for the event for more engaged activities. For the audience who want to register for a passport, they can walk into the space behind the entry station. They can use individual stations or group stations with touch screens to create their own passport. There are instructions how it works and what they need to do to complete the missions.
Media Gallery / Individual Theater

As visitors walk into this space, they will see multiple stations for individual media experiences. Each station will show the athletes’ intimate stories from their points of view. Visitors can experience collaborative storytelling by editing existing contents with adding their voice or text. If a visitor was engaged with the event at other events stations and create their own content with GoPro camera, they can use their own contents to make a short film. 
Social Impact Lab

As visitors enter the third area, they will see a geometric-shaped interactive table with seating. These are for group discussion on issues with intellectual disabilities and how people can use GoPro to improve or solve the problems. Multiple people can join this group discussion and suggest their opinions on creative ways to use GoPro products as a tool to express themselves and communicate with others.
Outdoor screening

As visitors walk close to the exhibition area, they will see four large LED screens with benches. It shows films of athletes who participate in Special Olympics LA 2015. The narrative follows the same as the exhibition content inside. It tells stories of inner heroes and how they become an athlete and a hero of their own.
Promotional Event

Special Olympics LA 2015 is held at 19 different venues throughout Los Angeles, including USC and UCLA. In order to attract more visitors to the exhibition and create more engaged experience, a small station of GoPro Embassy is located in each venue when there is a sports event.  At each station, a GoPro ambassador welcomes visitors and explain how they can participate in this event.
Visitors can register with their name and an email address and try a GoPro camera to capture special moments at the events.Visitors who send their contents to the exhibition will get a chance to edit their contents and create their own compositions in the individual theater stations. 

GoPro Experience Pop Up Exhibition_01

GoPro Experience Pop Up Exhibition_01

2015 FIT Exhibition Graduate Thesis project
