Math180 Packaging Concepts and Designs
While I worked on many parts of Math180, including the print materials, some of the digital aspects and marketing, the parts of packaging that I participated in designing is what I am showing here. The bookcase, shown above, I worked on it from concept to completion. The photography of the box is also my own, which they used in Scholastic marketing materials.
The drawing on the left was a late revision which became the final version of the box that went to production.
The image on the right is a rendering that I did using a real box from a picture I took. The box has been colored in, logos have been added, and parts have been attached to the box such as the metal plaque. While the books inside are real books, they have been colored and the covers were added to make them look like the actual Math180 books.
These were some of the renderings, which were done in Photoshop, that I did to help bring to life what the bookcase could possibly look like.
While I was less involved in the later stages of designing the box, I did work on concepts, help work on the patterns, and was involved with finalizing the design.
These are some of initial concepts that were presented to the directors, when trying to decide the budget
and how the educational game box should look.
This version of the box, made it to where it was presented as a rendering using the materials that were chosen, but it was ultimately deemed too expensive build. I did the drawing in Illustrator and the rendering in Photoshop.

Math180 Packaging

Math180 Packaging

Concepts and Design for Scholastic's Math180 Packaging.
