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Interactives lamps in Kolding Light Festival 2016

Interactive Lamps - HYFE 'n' LASE
This page was made to give an overview of the design process in the creation of two lamps, which will be in an exhibition during Kolding Light Festival 2016.

The overall task was in group of three people to create to interactive lamps with different personalities.

Final videos of HYFE 'n' LASE
Poster made for exhibition
Poster created to explain the lamps
In the beginning of the process, my group tried out 6 personalities on different moodboards (below is my contribution). The personalities was excited vs indifferent, peaceful vs aggressive and hyperactive vs lazy.
Hyperactive vs Lazy
From the designcrit (showing the moodboards and getting feed back) the word fearless came out. We shoce to incorporate that into our concept in which we decided to focus on hyperactive with a hint of being fearless, and lazy with a hint of scared.
The aim of the Hyperactive/fearless (HYFE) lamp is to get the audience to pull and move the lamp, whereafter it will change colour according to the placement of the gyro and accelerator 
Ideation, inspiration and behaviour
One of the inspirations for the hyper lamp was bouncing balls
Illustrations of different explorations of working with rubberbands and bouncing balls
Mockups and prototyping
Lamp with illustrations of engravings with placements of arduino and rubber bands and motions
Mockup of HYFE
Mockup of HYFE - plus rubberband testing
Final design
The design of the boxes was made in Adobe Illustrator - here is the engraving and cutting patterns
Putting the box together - we faced some issues with the 'glueing' materials, where the silicon simply couldn't keep the box together. In the end we found some special glue which worked out.
Final lamp after last testing
Circuits and coding
Circuit of HYFE
Below Arduino code for HYFE using the acceleraometer and gyro to change colour
Lazy scared
The aim of the Lazy Scared lamp was to show a Lazy wave of lights when no one is interacting with the lamp. Then when someone puts their hand towards the star it should start moving and giving warning light to make the audience move their hand away again
Ideation, inspiration and behaviour
Illustration of the behaviour of the lamp
Inspirational animals for LASE
Mockups and prototyping
Mockup of Lazy scared illustrating how it would look lazy arms all out and retracted when scared
Illustration of laze scared showing the LED waves and numbering of neopixels
Second prototype
We wanted to get the star to close when approached. However we could not get the mechanics to work, and instead we chose to incorporate movement via a servo motor.
Prototyping with duck tape
Testing sensor distance
Final design
Putting the box together
Illustration of Movement and lights when interaction happens
Design of the box with engraving and cutting patterns made in Adobe Illustrator
Final  lamp of LASE
Circuits and coding
Circuit of LASE's neopixels
Circuit of LASE's Servo Motor
Below the Arduino coding for LASE's servo motor and sensor
Below the Arduino coding for LASE's neopixels and it's ultrasonic sensor
Improvements of form and behaviour
The shape of HYFE could have been in a circular form to give an impression of a bouncing ball, in order to make it more ‘hyper’. To show the fearless part it could have been possible to choose more absorbing materials and that way one could toss it around. As it is, the more might not completely encourage people to interact with it.
The expression of the neopixels could have been a more hyper colour when it is not moved around. That way a randomised rainbow flow could express the behaviour.

In the beginning the thought was that the design would be as organic as possible. However, we focused on geometric to give a similar expression to the HYFE lamp. Therefore, the form could be more round and organic, and then the behavior could be ‘harsher’.
The original of LASE was to make in contract, when something came to close. However, the complexity of the mechanics was too high for the group to make due to time limitations. An improvement to the lamp could be to go more into the detail of the movement, combining it more with the neopixels’ behaviour or different movement. That way it could discourage the audience to get too close.
The colours of the ‘waves could have been in other natural colours as for instance green to give a calming effect

In general, for both lamps and a switch to turn them on and off would probably be a good initiative, as it has to be unplugged as it is.

Interactives lamps in Kolding Light Festival 2016

Interactives lamps in Kolding Light Festival 2016

Final project in the course "Design Skills" - a part of MSc IT Prodoct Design The basis of this project was to create two lamps with opposite pe Read More
