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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, book jacket redesign

This redesign of Frank L. Baum's classic children's tale is made entirely of text. Everything in the illustration including the large swathes of color and fine details are made of text. In fact, every single word in the book fits on this one page, all twenty-four chapters!

The cover art is a drawing of mine based off of W.W. Denslow's iconic original graphics for the 1899 release. First I sketched and inked my drawing. Then, I vectorized using the pen tool. Only then could I begin laying in the text. The color scheme is based on the original illustrations. I used only three colors throughout the entire spread: navy blue, yellow and red-orange. All of the other colors are achieved by layering text on top of text.

The main quote reads: "You must walk. It is a long journey through a country that is sometimes pleasant and sometimes dark and terrible." I think this quote though very old, is very relevant in today's political atmosphere in the United States. It may be interesting to note that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is actually a political allegory on the gold versus silver standard.

The word "walk" is hand lettered after the chapter headers found throughout the original publication. The only typeface used in this project is Source Serif. I chose this typeface because of its close ties to the Fournier family which as far as I can tell is the typeface used in the first publication of the book. If you are at all interested in my artistic process (i.e. thumbnails and development sketches) please check out my Flickr album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskKEHvhu Thanks so much for your interest in my project!
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, book jacket redesign

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, book jacket redesign

This new book jacket for Frank L. Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is based off of WW Denslow's original illustrations but is made entirely of t Read More
