View Project : Aaron Ray 
Abstract animations play alongside Aaron Ray's myriad of playful, colourful sounds in a dynamic music visualiser for the launch of his debut Calico EP.

Aaron Ray is an up-and-coming musician and producer who's worked with numerous talents to develop their sounds as well as his own. His site aims to match his unique sonic signature with his visual ideas.

Listen to Aaron Ray's debut EP, Calico, whilst abstract animations compliment and play in the background.
We took a low-fi approach to development using looping gifs that were set to change in time with the BPM of the current track playing to create a unique music video each time you play. Using this approach we created a device agnostic experience with minimal overhead that felt like it was dynamically affected by the song playing.

I created a suite of over 60 abstract animations as well as designing the responsive site - and coding a little of it too. Beyond the site, an interactive iOS EP soundboard teaser app is in production to compliment the launch of Aaron's debut EP.
Aaron Ray

Aaron Ray

Abstract and animated music visualiser for the launch of producer, Aaron Ray's debut Calico EP.
