João Reis's profile

The Chair Project

The Chair Project
The following project was carried out under the master's degree in design of communication.
This work need to be inspired in a object or in a theme inserted in our work environment, it was also important  to be able in create five forms but with the same line of communication, the chosen object was the chair.

In a first approach i have created a poster personifyng each class member like a chair, the final result remind us a comic strip board
In the second perspective a foldout was made with the same drawing line, but this time including all the teachers responsible for the workshops during the year.
Each ilustration was also accompanied by a brief description.

The third object was presented in the form of a small notebook, here each class member were asked with the following question;
"What would you change in the chair?"
Bellow you can check what each one imagined
Another perspective explored met two elements that was in progress at the time. The class were making a poster related to a play and it had been given a color to each, which should be the predominant color in the poster.The result was in the form of a catalog where i had the chairs in the respective colors, an element that represents the diferent plays accompanied with a brief description of each play.

Finally in the fifth approach, the idea was more suited to the chair itself. I designed a set of solutions that could be achieved when disassembling the chair.The final object is introduced in the form of a small book where is shown all these different hypotheses.
The Chair Project

The Chair Project
