In today’s society we live a life of constant desire, never fully satisfied with what we have; a pure materialistic world. Nothing we purchase is made to last, forcing us to buy, buy, buy. But where does it all go? What happens when we are finished with it?
After brainstorming consumerism deeply I condensed all my research and anticipated direction into one title: “Living within our consumption”
I chose this title as my direction in where I wanted these pieces to take viewers. Through this I aim to explore the concept of consumption, particularly the resulted waste that is involved. We live in a time where everything we consume will inevitably end up as waste.
I hope to cause viewers to question the large amounts they consume and ask themselves - Is it really worth it? Is all this time, effort and money used wisely? How much is wasted on things that are or become disposable?
My pieces portray scenes of daily life, relatable to everyone however with our consumption integrated. 



Present a series of images for a 'Subversive Art' exhibition based on a key contemporary life issue. Through these images one is to portray their Read More
