Studio Miammmiam's profile

Screen Printing - Studio's view

Silk-Screen Printing
MiamMiam's studio view
Photographs : Julie Chovin.
Movie director : Clémentine Rettig

Movie music : SPAAM
Movie Producer : Serigraffeur
Print for sale on :
Serigraffeur gallerie Berlin
Slow galerie, Paris
Staalplaat, Berlin

Neurotitan, Berlin
Or contact me directly : info (a)
©MiamMiam, 2015-2016

Last MiamMiam's prints are hand made, from the drawing, directly on the film, without any intervention from computer to the printing process. This is why the prints can contain color’s differences and small print flaws.
1 - to have an IDEA !!!
2 - a drawing for each color on transparent paper.
4 - exposure to light from the screens (one for each colors).
5 - print the first color
5 - dry out
6 - and the second… etc.
8 - dry out… etc…
9 - Et voilà...!
Screen Printing - Studio's view

Screen Printing - Studio's view

Last MiamMiam's prints are hand made, from the drawing, directly on the film, without any intervention from computer to the printing process. Thi Read More
