(Psycho neurological boarding for people with mental illness)

Lately psychiatry, as a branch of medicine, has become abandoned in Russia. Despite breakthrough in medication and development of new treatment programs for people with mental diseases, there are very few places of long-term accommodation for mentally unbalanced people. Frequently they are forced to wait for years to be placed in a special center.

Centers for people with psycho-neurological problems, as special objects, have been changing historically, and now they obligatory have a particular internal structure (with different, separated from each other, zones, intended for different functions). 
The main characteristic of these centers is their location: the quiet natural surroundings often become vitally important for the health of the inhabitants of such centers. 
The people are not only its patients, they are also its inhabitants; 
The place must be multi-functional and become at the same time an efficient hospital, a safe working place, and a comfortable home for its population. It must also become a closed commune which helps a person to adapt in social life

The object’s structural organization is a combination of four logarithmic spirals which all begin in one point. The generators and their guides create different functional zones. The main bearing elements coincide with generators’. Because of the natural slope of the relief the object has 3 levels with a difference of 1.5 m.

The Center has its own farmland; it helps save money, provides the inhabitants with fresh vegetables; working of the farm becomes an important part of the therapy. The local population helps in organizing different events and activities for the leisure of the inhabitants of the Center.

Population of the Center consists of 150 people in the living sections, which has 3 blocks (for males, females, and shared by males and females); 12% of these people cannot take care of themselves and need constant assistance. The section of treatment of uncontrollable patients is designed for 20 people. 

Top floor:
A standard block consists of 9 living sections. Each living section is intended for 4 to 6 people (7 m2 for person) with a shared area between 2 sections, and a bathroom and a WC in each section. Each living section has a loggia. There is room for staff, a station of medication distribution, and buffet on this floor. Spacious hall areas function as corridors and as lounges for leisure activities.

Lower floor:
This floor is the main work and study zone for the Center’s inhabitants. There are different workshops (such as art, sewing, pottery etc.). This area can be also used for group meetings and group activities. Each workshop has a teacher’s room, a storage area and a WC. This floor includes space for staff, business offices and infirmary (isolator).

Summary results:
Because considerable part of its inhabitants has incurable mental illnesses, these people cannot reside outside of special institutions. Some of them arrive from special medical institutions for children after they become adults. These people, besides medical care, also need a certain approach and special program of development. Despite a perspective of a long stay at a boarding center, there is a possibility of rehabilitation and social integration for the center’s patients. 
