BNIPS01 Primal Scream (Typeface: Arial – Original was Helvetica)
BNIPS02 Sex Pistols (Typeface: American Typewriter, Gil Sans, Futura)
BNIPS03 LCD Soundsystem (Typeface: Courier New)
BNIPS04 The Jimi Hendrix Experience (Typeface: Custom)
BNIPS05 Bob Dylan (Typeface: Champion Gothic)
BNIPS06 Talking Heads (Typeface: Customised Bodoni)
BNIPS07 Queen (Typeface: York Script)
BNIPS08 Joy Division (Typeface: Helvetica)
Lyrical Type

Lyrical Type

A lyrical typographic series, based on the style of the original releases. Just for fun.
